Tuesday, March 6, 2012


The first post is only in English. What is this madness?

If you're reading this, go and have a look at the New Visitor? page. It explains absolutely nothing. But it does show you some things, like that I'm just testing the water here and the next few posts will probably be unimportant ramblings. When the water can be considered clean, clear, and useful, the next posts will also probably be unimportant ramblings. Until I completely forgot that I have a blog, which happens more often than it generally is.

While I use this blog as a place to rant, type random semi-madness essays, and generally type things into the internet, it can probably be considered as another speck of dust in the ocean of blogs for you, dear reader. If you find this place entertaining, why thank you. However, I have an odd sense of humor, irregular style of writing, and overly long non-descriptive way of expressing anything that is probably only entertaining for myself, so that's a fat chance.

I'm not hoping for much here. Just another little place I can call home in the Internet Archipelago.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

And I'll probably post a Profile/About Me page later, which might or might not explain whose writings you're reading here.

~ PseudoMon