Friday, March 9, 2012


Still got nothing to post about. It's a little funny really. It was easy thinking "Next time I find a computer with internet connection, I'll make a blog." and wondering how much fun it'll be. Apparently, actually using it is something else entirely. I didn't think much about what will it'll be about, I just decide I want to make one.

I'm not the kind who take constant record daily real life events publicly, unless it's really notable. Not even if I parodied it until there's a guaranteed laugh track, which seems to be what famous bloggers are doing these days, or at least in Indonesia. I can, perhaps. I'm just not confident that my slightly geeky sense of humour can go that far. As anyone know, you can't just force humour in. I'm not a fan of sour joke.

Guess I still have that Profile page to fill up. Now there's something to write about. I'll try to make it short and less pompous as my site About pages tend to be.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


The first post is only in English. What is this madness?

If you're reading this, go and have a look at the New Visitor? page. It explains absolutely nothing. But it does show you some things, like that I'm just testing the water here and the next few posts will probably be unimportant ramblings. When the water can be considered clean, clear, and useful, the next posts will also probably be unimportant ramblings. Until I completely forgot that I have a blog, which happens more often than it generally is.

While I use this blog as a place to rant, type random semi-madness essays, and generally type things into the internet, it can probably be considered as another speck of dust in the ocean of blogs for you, dear reader. If you find this place entertaining, why thank you. However, I have an odd sense of humor, irregular style of writing, and overly long non-descriptive way of expressing anything that is probably only entertaining for myself, so that's a fat chance.

I'm not hoping for much here. Just another little place I can call home in the Internet Archipelago.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

And I'll probably post a Profile/About Me page later, which might or might not explain whose writings you're reading here.

~ PseudoMon

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hello World!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vehicula felis vitae enim pharetra scelerisque vulputate metus ultrices. Praesent interdum dapibus tortor, in dictum orci tristique nec. Nullam viverra orci ut justo tempus a sollicitudin magna condimentum. Nunc tincidunt laoreet vehicula. Nunc condimentum, nibh non molestie iaculis, turpis quam sollicitudin arcu, et volutpat felis felis id leo. Duis metus justo, ultrices vel suscipit a, aliquam ac sem. Etiam non lectus eu felis iaculis tempor. Donec congue dolor purus. Nullam sit amet tortor ut lectus venenatis blandit et vel nisl.
Duis venenatis nisl ut metus porta tristique tincidunt enim ultricies. Nunc tincidunt nulla ut leo gravida imperdiet. Integer egestas urna eu purus dignissim aliquet. Nullam rutrum nisl quis libero tincidunt sit amet commodo orci eleifend. Quisque convallis lectus non erat dignissim dignissim. Phasellus porttitor tincidunt mattis. Vivamus sagittis vehicula ullamcorper. Suspendisse egestas nisi nec tortor tincidunt fermentum. Vivamus sed urna sit amet orci venenatis hendrerit dapibus at enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer at consequat erat.
Fusce velit diam, adipiscing eu elementum in, consequat ac massa. Nam feugiat elit eget ipsum tristique faucibus. Vestibulum quis tortor ut massa dapibus porta. Vivamus fermentum tincidunt nibh quis volutpat. Cras cursus viverra est, vitae mattis metus suscipit sit amet. Curabitur blandit lacinia dictum. Duis porttitor pulvinar laoreet. Nunc pharetra eros vitae justo accumsan nec porttitor arcu porttitor. Curabitur euismod augue vitae mi egestas id tristique dolor scelerisque. Ut rhoncus, turpis ut egestas accumsan, odio sem sodales augue, nec ornare magna diam ut justo. Integer eu quam lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed id mollis tortor. Aliquam dictum magna eget nibh placerat ut sagittis justo imperdiet.
Vestibulum sodales tempus auctor. Morbi sollicitudin, sem egestas dapibus cursus, magna orci interdum nunc, ut tempor mauris sapien at sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ultrices justo sit amet odio tempor pulvinar id in dui. Ut malesuada urna id mauris pellentesque lacinia. Suspendisse ut facilisis sapien. Proin ornare volutpat augue, at iaculis lectus mollis id. Donec adipiscing diam eu dolor fringilla fermentum.
Donec et augue sed elit cursus eleifend. Praesent ipsum tellus, rutrum quis pharetra sed, euismod et sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum non quam elit, sit amet pretium mi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent non odio et est pharetra mollis vel ac mauris. Mauris mollis cursus ultricies.